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5 Lessons From a 25-Year-Old

Photo courtesy of Pinterest

I know what you are thinking, 25 years isn’t a lot of life experience. Frankly, I agree!

Turning 25, I realized I feel so many contradictory feelings. I am old, but, also, so young. I have accomplished milestones, but, yet, I am only starting out in life. 

Whether you take this as something to learn from me, or simply reminders in your day-to-day life, here are some important lessons that I carry with me as a 25 year old:

  1. It’s not your fault.

With the wrong ears, it may sound like I am giving you a free pass to do whatever you please because you won’t be held accountable; and that’s not what I mean. What I do mean is that how people treat you and what happens to you is not a fault of your own. You can only control yourself and your own reactions. At the end of the day, as long as you stand by your morals and what you believe is right and just, then any other person’s actions towards you are not your problem. 

  1. You are always exactly where you are supposed to be.

I remember when I first graduated from college and it felt like every step I was going to take needed to be the right step. I was about to step out into the real world so whatever direction I started in needed to set the course right for the rest of my life. But, how silly is that thought? One decision can’t define your life and you will constantly be finding yourself on new paths. There is comfort in knowing that I haven’t been on all the paths that I am meant to walk yet. I know I will always find myself on the right one though!

  1. No one can comfort you like you.

As much as you may know someone – or they may know you – you will never be able to walk a day in someone else’s shoes. Every experience you have lived has been through your singular point of view and there should be comfort in knowing that you have always been there for yourself, and you always will be! You should be your own comfort because you know you better than anyone else ever could. 

  1. Self-care isn’t selfish – or selfishness.

Something I have needed to learn is how to practice self-care. Taking time to fill my cup can sometimes feel like I am taking time away from other people or other responsibilities. However, you can’t pour into others cups when yours is empty. Taking care of yourself is a way of taking care of others. However, don’t confuse this with selfishness. There is a line between self-care and self-centeredness – make sure you know where that line is!

  1. Be kind, be kind, be kind.

My favorite piece of advice, I saved for last. In today’s culture, it seems like we have gotten creative in our snarky and snappy comments. Harsh words can go viral and news ratings do better when they show people arguing opinions. This is your reminder that it is still cool to be kind! Smiling at a stranger or lending a helping hand can go a long way. Everyone is facing their own battles and there is no reason to make anyone else’s day harder. Instead, we should lift each other up, one kind word or action at a time.

I am always learning more and gaining new knowledge. These are the lessons that mean the most to me this year and I hope that I can live them all fully in this 25th year of life.


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