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How To Get Out of a Reading Rut

Photo Courtesy of Pinterest

I am currently in a reading rut. Whenever this happens, I prefer my phone and scrolling on TikTok over a book. And everytime, once I start reading again I think to myself, “Reading is so much fun, why haven’t I been reading lately?!”

This happens with all hobbies and things. Sometimes you workout 5 times in a week and sometimes strolling around the block is something you need to make an active effort to do. However, you can always swing the pendulum back to the other side! What I am sharing with you today is a way to get back into reading or start reading.

The first thing that always helps to get back into reading is starting and ending your day reading. Whatever way you start the day will set the tone for the rest of the day. At first, if you can only read for a few minutes without getting bored, that is fine! Soon enough you will find yourself excited to get back to the book and see what is happening next in the story. This is when reading gets easier. 

The same goes for at night. Winding down with a book gives you a sense of comfort and ease going into your slumber. Also, it makes me excited for the relaxing moment of grabbing my book and makes reading feel more soothing than choreful. 

The second thing that helps me get back into reading after being in a rut is reading a quick or short book. Sometimes what stops me from reading is that a book is slow or I can’t get into it. However, when I read a short book and the first 50 pages are already a third of the way to the end, then I feel more motivated to finish it. 

Two short books that I can recommend to get you back into reading are: If Cats Disappeared From The World by Genki Kawamura and The Stranger by Albert Camus. Both have been able to get me out of slow reading times and are worthy of praise apart from their length. 

Now, I am off to end my day with the book Less by Andrew Sean Greer. I’m not sure how it has taken me this long to finish this book, but I’m sure I will be back to reading and finishing this book within the week! 


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